keep a steady beat
sing in my head voice
read simple rhythms
demonstrate the differences in a musical piece
Move to show the changes in the music (high/low, fast/slow, loud/soft)
identify classroom instruments visually and aurally
play classroom instruments with proper technique
1st Grade
Identify and demonstrate echo and call/response
Sing using head voice
Read, write, perform rhythms using eighth, quarter notes and quarter rests
Improvise lyrics and simple melodies
Read, write, perform melodies on the treble staff
Play classroom instruments with proper technique
Describe how music can communicate feelings, images and meanings
2nd Grade
Identify same and different patterns
Sing and demonstrate rounds/canons
Read, write, perform rhythms using eighth, quarter notes and quarter rests in 2/4 and 4/4 meter
Improvise and compose simple rhythms and melodies
Read, write, perform melodies using pentatonic melodies on the treble staff
Play classroom instruments with proper technique
Describe how music can communicate feelings, images and meanings
3rd Grade
Identify visually and aurally the four instrument families
Sing and demonstrate simple music forms (ABA, AB)
Read, write, perform rhythms using eighth, quarter notes and quarter rests in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 meter
Improvise and compose simple rhythms and melodies
Read, write, perform melodies using extended pentatonic melodies on the treble staff
Play classroom instruments with proper technique
Describe how music can communicate feelings, images and meanings and connect them to other subjects
4th Grade
Classify instruments into the four instrument families
Sing and demonstrate more complex music forms (ABA, Rondo)
Read, write, perform rhythms using sixteenth through whole notes and rests in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 meter
Improvise and compose simple rhythms and melodies using a variety of classroom instruments and sounds
Read, write, perform melodies using extended pentatonic melodies on the treble staff
Play classroom instruments with proper technique
Describe how music can communicate feelings, images and meanings and connect them to other subjects and disciplines outside the arts
5th Grade
Explore and identify musical instruments from different periods and world cultures
Identify and demonstrate longer music forms (d.c/d.s al fine, coda, repeat signs, first and second endings)
Read, write, perform rhythms using sixteenth through whole notes and rests in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 meter, including dotted half note and syncopated rhythms
Improvise and compose and arrange music
Read, write, perform melodies using extended diatonic melodies on the treble staff
Play classroom instruments with proper technique
Justify person preferences for certain musical pieces, performances and composers